Wyoming Criminal Law
Facing criminal charges is a daunting experience, but a skilled criminal defense attorney can provide the guidance and support necessary to navigate the legal system effectively. Rogers and Garvie, LLC specializes in defending clients throughout Wyoming against misdemeanor and felony charges, ensuring your rights are protected every step of the way. Explore our criminal law services!
First Offense: Penalties for a misdemeanor offense may include up to 6 months in county jail, fines and court costs, a 90-day license suspension, and mandatory installation of an ignition interlock device (IID).
Subsequent Offenses: Repeat offenses result in harsher penalties, including increased fines, extended license suspensions, longer periods of mandatory incarceration and the potential for felony charges under aggravating circumstances. A felony conviction could result in a sentence of years in prison and much larger fines.
Penalties: Misdemeanor charges carry a possible penalty of up to 1 year in county jail, fines, and court costs. Felony charges related to controlled substances have a wide range of penalties, all of which include the possibility that the defendant will be sentenced to serve years in state prison.
Alternative Sentencing: Drug charges are often as much a consequence of addiction as they are of poor decision-making. As a result, several alternatives to incarceration are available to those who qualify.
Types of Offenses: Charges of criminal violence come in many forms, each carrying its own penalties and consequences. These cases are hardly ever as simple as law enforcement would make them out to be. We are prepared to defend against these allegations in whatever form they take.
Protect Your Future: Convictions for violent crimes carry severe legal penalties and can have long-term impacts concerning employment, housing, child custody rights, federal benefits, your right to own a firearm, and more.
Common Charges: Theft, burglary, vandalism, and arson.
Legal Consequences: Penalties range from fines to significant prison time, depending on the value of the property and the nature of the crime.
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If you are facing criminal charges in Wyoming, do not hesitate to seek expert legal assistance. For a confidential consultation, contact us at (307) 395-6438. View our other services to see how we can provide comprehensive legal support. Protect your future with our dedicated and experienced legal defense team.